today wine shop open tamilnadu|today wine shop open or not in tamilnadu:The TASMAC Leave Days List For This year is provided below. Festivals are an integral part of Indian culture and have different forms of state, each state or city has its own set of customs and traditions to celebrate a particular festival. Hare has the complete list of Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Limited‘s (TASMAC) holidays in 2024.
Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Limited (TASMAC) is a company incorporated on 23.05.1983 under the Companies Act, of 1956. It is completely owned by the government. of Tamil Nadu with a registered office in Chennai. TASMAC enjoys the special privilege of bulk supply of IMFL to the whole of Tamil Nadu by Section 17(c)(1-A)(a) of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition Act, 1937 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1937). The list of TASMAC holidays
tamilnadu tasmac open or not
All TASMAC liquor retail shops, recreation clubs, bars, and TASMAC godowns in Virudhunagar district would remain closed on three days on account of Tiruvalluvar Day on January 16, Vadalur Ramalingar memorial day on January 25 and Republic Day on January 26.
TASMAC Shops should be closed on Thiruvalluvar Day, Republic Day and Vallalar Memorial Day. According to Tamil Nadu Liquor (Retail) Rule No.Republic Day bank holiday: The services at private as well as public banks will be unavailable on January 26 on account of India’s 75th Republic Day, according to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) holiday calendar.
today wine shop open or not in tamilnadu
Bars and Tasmac liquor shops in Tamil Nadu will remain closed on Thuesday on account of Republic Day.
Respective district collectors have issued an order to this effect.Tasmac management have warned of severe action if retail outlets were found open onjanuary 26 is one of the eight days when Tasmac outlets will remain closed.
The Tamil Nadu government has declared January 16 (Thiruvalluvar Day), 25 (Vallalar Remembrance Day) and 26 (Republic Day) as dry days.No sale of liquor by outlets and bars will be permitted on these three days.